At the recent Provincial Charity Committee meeting when Graham Riche gave an excellent presentation highlighting the fantastic work that TLC do and the need for this to continue.
He appealed for more financial support so a group of Charity Stewards from West Bridgford got together to try and help.
At a follow up meeting of the West Bridgford Charity Stewards, Frank Noonan representing the TLC was on hand to hear the news that a magnificent £1,125.00 had been raised and donated by Castle Lodge, Musters Lodge, Trent Bentinck Lodge, Welbeck Lodge and Edwalton Lodge.
Frank Noonan commented- “Thanks to the wonderful fundraising efforts of these West Bridgford Lodges the charity will be able to cover the cost of 6.5 boxes of hospital bears.
This is about 5% of the total we needed to spend on hospital bears during 2024.
The charity is very grateful for the fundraising efforts of all Lodges across Nottinghamshire as these enable the charity to carry on its support of children in distress in hospitals across the Province”.
From left to right Roy Brown of Welbeck Lodge, Kevin Hyland of Castle Lodge, Frank Noonan TLC, Paul Bilson and Simon Houghton of Trent Bentinck Lodge, all holding TLC fundraising bears.
Not in the picture, John Pawlik of Musters lodge.