Notts. Installed Masters’ Lodge
No. 3595
The Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham NG1 5LB
Wednesday, 1st June 2022 at 5.30 pm
The 2022 Prestonian Lecture
“The Royal Family and Freemasonry”
W Bro. Dr John Hawkins, PJGD
The annual Prestonian Lecture is the only lecture held under the authority of the United Grand Lodge.
The Lodge is fortunate to have secured the 2022 Prestonian Lecturer during his year in office.
The subject is especially relevant as we celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year.
The Lodge welcomes all Freemasons as visitors and invites Installed Masters to consider becoming joining members.
All bookings to: Name: W Bro. Graham Jones, PPGReg Email: