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Perfection at Maun Chapter Rose Croix No 470


Tonight at Maun Chapter Rose Croix saw W Bro Ian Donald Cargill welcomed into this very special and friendly order

As part of the Ceremony of Perfection, Ian took an oath on a bible that was very special to him personally and the Chapter was happy to use Ian's own bible to make the evening even more special for him

The bible used was one that Ian's father presented to him when he was initiated into Freemasonry in 1977, his father being the Worshipful Master of his Lodge in London at the time and W Bro Ian took his obligation on that bible.

His second and third degrees were also taken on the same bible

When Ian became the Worshipful Master of his Lodge, he again took his obligation on the same bible

Onto Ians perfection into the Rose Croix order and once again Ian used the same bible to take his obligation

To mark this event both the leader of the Maun Chapter Rose Croix Neil Konieczny and the head of Rose Croix Masonry in the Nottinghamshire District, Richard N Howarth both signed Ian's bible to commemorate this excellent evening

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1 Comment

May 22, 2022

Absolutely beautiful evening

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