Companions, I would like to re-iterate my very warm welcome to all of you attending this Convocation, it is always pleasing to see such support for meetings of Supreme Grand Chapter. I particularly appreciate the efforts made by those who have travelled long distances to be with us today.
In the fascinating presentation this morning from Excellent Companion Mark Smith we had a clear explanation of the concept of service at its most challenging. Such service is one which very few can undertake and the rest of us can only stand in awe of it. As is clear, holders of this highest award for gallantry include a number of Freemasons and we are very proud of this.
As with all service, not solely service in the Armed Forces, men undertake it because of the people they are, the attitudes and outlook they have to life, the desire to make a difference. Often this is also why many, but not all, choose to become Freemasons.
As you have heard me say before Companions, Pure Antient Masonry under the English Constitution is unique. I am not just saying this because we have the First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland with us today, although I am sure it does no harm! The Royal Arch has always been an integral part of Pure Antient Masonry and will remain so. The Royal Arch is not an independent, standalone order, as it is in other Constitutions, but a coherent part of the whole structure. It is a very distinctive part of Pure Antient Masonry, and deserves to preserve that distinctiveness, but it is integral to it and so we must ensure the organisation operates coherently and effectively.
We try to demonstrate this point practically by the Royal Arch and Craft Rulers working as one team. I know many Provinces, even where there are separate Grand Superintendents and Provincial Grand Masters, are increasingly working with joint meetings of Provincial Rulers and their teams and there are also combined Executives.
This is also why we have taken steps to ensure that unnecessary impediments to the smooth functioning of Freemasonry as a whole have been removed, with changes to both the Royal Arch Regulations and the Book of Constitutions in order to align practices. The coherence of the explanation of the key place of the Royal Arch within Pure Antient Masonry is to be improved with the essential tools within the Members’ Pathway for the Craft being revised to be harmonised with the tools contained within Archway and I could go on.
This is what we mean Companions by “One journey, one organisation”. This is probably best expressed by saying, “Pure Antient Masonry has four ceremonies. Three are worked in Craft Lodges which point the way to the fourth ceremony worked in a Royal Arch chapter”. That fourth ceremony will be done at a time and in a chapter which suits an individual candidate.
Companions, you will realise from what I have just stated this clearly does not mean that the Royal Arch will be subsumed into the Craft in some kind of complete merger, that is not what “One journey, one organisation” means.
Before I conclude my remarks, I wish to pay tribute to the considerable work undertaken by Excellent Companion Professor Stephen Tucker during his time as President of the Committee of General Purposes. He has achieved much in his time, with the support of his fellow Committee members, in bringing “One journey, one organisation”, to life. I very much appreciate all that he has done in leading and encouraging others to bring us to this point. Thank you Stephen very much.
Companions, there remains much for us to do. With your continued enthusiasm and engagement, I am enthusiastic about our future and I have no doubt you will ensure we will succeed and remain a thriving organisation.
Thank you.
Jonathan Spence
Pro First Grand Principal