When Children’s A & E Play Specialist at the Queens’ Medical Centre, Nottingham Sophie Betts got in touch with David James her TLC (Teddies for Loving Care) contact from Radcliffe with Hemlock Stone Lodge to ask if it would be possible for him to source 3 portable DVD players she did not have to wait long for the reply.
As the DVD players were for attaching to trolleys moving the young patients to such places as X-ray, plaster room or even to another hospital, it took less than a week for David to get the agreement of other TLC Nottingham Trustees to fund the purchases and to deliver, in fact, four machines as an extra one had been kindly donated.
David is seen handing over the machines at Children’s A&E.
Sophie said “We just want to say thank you for all you do for us as a department.
The TLC bears are fabulous for children who are distressed and to see them smile when they receive a bear is amazing. Thank you for all the other things you have managed to get for the department, including the fish tank and specialist toys – it means a lot!!”