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Notts and West Yorkshire Knights Templar meet together


At the invitation of the Gilbert de Lacy Preceptory in Pontefract, 15 Knights of Nottinghamshire, including the Provincial Prior, Rt, E. Kt. Jim Crossley and the Sub Prior, E. Kt. Roger Cheetham, attended the Preceptory on Wednesday 30th March to witness the installation of a new Knight, Adam Speight in the presence of the West Yorkshire Provincial ceremonial team. The wind, rain and snow storm did not dampen the spirits and a most enjoyable evening was experienced by all.

This was a reciprocal invitation to one made to the Knights of the Gilbert de Lacy Preceptory by the Pelham Preceptory of Worksop, to visit on Tuesday the 22nd February when the Provincial Prior of West Yorkshire, Rt. E. Kt. Hearl Lenton and his Sub Prior Tony Wilkinson, supported by 6 of their Knights attended a ceremonial visit by the Notts Provincial Prior and his officers, to witness the installation of a new Knight, Kevin Calvesbert, by the Preceptor, E. Kt. Martin Hemingway.

This was followed by a very convivial ‘Burns’ Night festive board of 50 Knights with the haggis being piped in by E. Kt. Bob Orridge and the address being delivered by Bro. Kt. Andy Logan.

This follows two similar meetings made before Covid intervened and it is hoped to widen the scope of the cross-border visits to include other Preceptories of both Provinces.

Images above are from the visit to Worksop, those below are from the reciprocal visit to Pontefract

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