On the 19th March 2025. Paul Edwards-Cleaves, the head of The Nottinghamshire Provincial Stewards Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 1972, was delighted to present a cheque for the sum of £250 to Jonathan Frost, the Fundraising Manager from the British Heart Foundation, whilst the lodge also sent the sum of £250 to the Nottingham Festival 2029 in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation

There are over 7 million people in the UK that are living with heart and circulatory disease and it is now considered the world’s biggest killer.
As a number of brethren have had some interaction with the BHF over the years, including Paul, who is going into the Trent Cardiac Centre this summer for open heart surgery, it was thought fitting that the British Heart Foundation was a worthy cause and close to the heart of us all.
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