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Men (and Women) in Sheds !


Ransom Wood Men in Sheds (and women) is a valuable resource based at the old Ransom Wood hospital near Rainworth and is described as a well equipped hobby workshop for men and women 60 years and over It is a place for men and recently women to meet and to share their experience and skills to discuss possible worries or fears that they may have, fully supporting difficult circumstances such as loss of a loved one or loneliness by preventing isolation.

Chairman of the Provincial Charity Committee John Pawlik met with Dennis Owen who runs the operation and a couple of the ‘Shedders’ that were in attendance.

Dennis explained how successful the enterprise had been at building confidence and a feeling of worthwhile contribution and friendship for the over 60's who attended as well as supporting the local community

The money received from Nottinghamshire Freemasons will allow this until to be fully and safely installed by qualified electricians, thus enhancing the uses to which the workshops can be put

Attendees are taught to use the machines safely according to their abilities but once "signed off" they are free to create whatever they want to and the visiting Masons were impressed by the quality of the items made but even more so by the mental well being the scheme promoted

A donation of £750 from both Elliott Lodge and the Freemasons of Mansfield Charity Committee was made to help restore an air filtration system in the workshop, donated by the NHS some time ago.

In addition Worshipful Bro Mick Bowler of Elliott Lodge and Worshipful Bro Ken Purslow of Byron Lodge  were given a guided tour and explanation of work that had been carried out.

Ransom Wood Men in Sheds workshop at Ransom Wood is a project aimed exclusively at retired men and women to enhance and support them in later life and help with their mental health and well being, whilst involving them in their local community.

Items made at the "Shed" will soon be sold to raise further funds for expansion

Current projects ranging from garden furniture, dog kennels, bird and bat boxes and pens

We were treated to a quick demonstration of how scrap pieces of wood can be turned into fully working and high quality pens. The gentleman demonstrating this explained how one day he received a call saying "we understand you can make pens to any design?" Yes came the reply "We need pens in the 1920's art nouveau style" "Yes I can do that

The next thing they knew was that the pens were being used as props in the Michael Keaton Batman film !

The images below show how a rectangular piece of scrap wood quickly becomes the rough shaft of a bed, thus rendering it fit for the hands of this skilled workman ;-)

The enterprise was presented with the new style Nottinghamshire Freemasons /Masonic Charitable Foundation Blue Plaque which are now being displayed proudly

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