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Bob Orridge Seaforth Higghlanders presentation



The Seaforth Highlanders Pipes and Drums Notts branch,attended a civic reception at the Mansfield District Council offices in Mansfield, on Tuesday 4th February.

There was a full council meeting so many people in attendance.

Also present Was Charlotte Henshaw MBE, the Paralympic athlete


There were about 20 band members there.

The elected Mayor presented Bob Orridge on behalf of the band a commendation for services to Mansfield and for representing Mansfield Nationally and internationally.

This was in the form of a very impressive certificate, an engraved Salver and a commemorative coin for all members of the band.


This was a very proud day for the members of the band.


It was also the Broxtowe Chapter meeting at 6pm that evening so W Bro Bob was quite late attending, but he had a very good excuse !

The Chapter has in the past made donations to the band so at the festive board I explained our success.

 E.Comp Dave Ward is the DC of the chapter so could not go to the Civic reception.

At the festive board, most excellent Z Robin Maung presented Dave with his commemorative coin.



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