Mark Master Masons
The Order is universally known as the "Friendly Degree" with good reason. This may be derived from the relatively light-hearted manner in which the message is conveyed during the ceremony of "Advancement", without losing the moral significance it contains. It may also be due to the fact that all new members are informed on the occasion of their joining the Order that: "... among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends".
Regardless of the reasons, the friendliness of the degree is clearly seen in the Lodge room and in the genuine warmth of the welcome that is universally extended among all Mark Masons. Our Provincial Grand Master and his Deputy ensure through their leadership, that in Nottinghamshire we truly enjoy our Mark Masonry and the friendliness of this Order is surely a key element of the success and enthusiasm that exists for the Mark Degree.
Mark Masonry consists of two separate degrees - that of Mark Man and Mark Master Mason. Both are carried out in the one ceremony and it develops the theme of the Fellowcraft Freemason.
The Mark Ritual is structured on a verse from Psalm 118. "The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner". It explores the building of King Solomon's Temple and the craftsmen involved in the work. The lessons of the Mark Degree are presented in a ceremony that is both lively and enjoyable and requires active participation by at least nine Officers. It is full of action and surprises.
All Freemasons who are Master Masons can apply to become a member. At present there are 23 Mark Lodges in Nottinghamshire, most meeting three or four times a year. The Lodges meeting at the various Masonic Halls throughout the Province and their meeting dates can be viewed using the menu options to the right of this page. A listing of members is maintained in the Provincial Year Book.
Progression to the chair is similar to the Craft but with three additional Offices. A Brother is eligible to be considered for Provincial rank, three years after his year as Master, at the discretion of the Provincial Grand Master. Grand Rank may also be awarded to those who have rendered exemplary service to Mark Masonry.
A further advantage of being a Mark Master Mason is that it opens up the possibility of extending your interests in Freemasonry, as it is an essential qualification for attaining membership of at least three other Orders; most particularly that of Royal Ark Mariner.
Christopher Colin Adkin
Provincial Grand Master
Nottinghamshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons