About the Lodge
We have a wide group of men from different backgrounds and professions with a range of personalities, skills and qualities. The Lodge members have varied interests particularly Rugby and Cricket we also have strong links with music and the arts, and we actively engage in social events especially during the summer months including, BBQ’s, day trips, and hotel stays in various parts of the country. We encourage a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organisation or society, acknowledges and values their socio-cultural differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural context which empowers all within our group. We are a progressive Lodge with a history of tradition and are seeking new members. We encourage members to join a forward-thinking group that has a strong background of tradition and ethics, that strives to provide its members with the opportunity to embark on an amazing life-long journey of learning and self-discovery. Our meetings are held on the first Thursday in October at 18.00 hours at the Welbeck Masonic Hall in West Bridgford and thereafter, on the first Thursday of November through to April at 18.00 hours. We also meet on the Tuesday night immediately prior to the Thursday meeting for rehearsal and socialising. After the meeting, dinner is served for all those attending, this is a great opportunity to mix less formally with members of the Lodge and also with visiting members from Lodges across the county and other regions.

Lodge History
West Bridgford Lodge No. 3943, is a Masonic Lodge in the Province of Nottinghamshire, warranted by The United Grand Lodge of England on 17th March 1919. It was consecrated on 31st July 1919 and received its Centenary Warrant on 31st July 2019.
Ideal Candidate
West Bridgford Lodge is actively seeking new members to join what we consider ourselves to be, a very friendly group of men who are dedicated to the betterment of themselves and of the society which we share. West Bridgford Lodge is a very welcoming place to enjoy a Masonic career. We have a reputation for excellence in all matters, and there is an expectation that all brethren will seek to actively maintain and improve those standards.New members, both as initiates who wish to join this unique brotherhood and those existing Masons who wish to join the membership are assured of a warm welcome into what is a convivial, brotherly and friendly atmosphere both in the temple for its ceremonies, and following each meeting, with an enjoyable meal and where relaxed conversation is always topical and interesting.