About the Lodge
What makes Walesby Lodge special and different is that we are a Lodge for those associated with Scouting and other Youth Organisations
“There is a natural affinity between the principles of Scouting and Masonry, they both teach respect for the law and properly constituted authority, consideration for others and the need to help those less fortunate than themselves.
Scouts also enjoy the friendship of like minded people, one of the cornerstones of Freemasonry” so wrote Rt W Bro J. S. Hill at the time of our Consecration.
We have held meetings at Walesby Forest Campsite, Robin Hood Campsite and other Scout locations throughout Nottinghamshire. We like a bit of adventure !
Our membership currently stands at 32 members with a new member joining shortly and three further candidates in discussion with us… we are growing !
The age range of our members ranges from early twenties up to our distinguished elder statesmen, with a large percentage of members between 25 and 45 yrs . We are a lodge suitable for all ages particularly if you have an interest or involvement in Scouting or Youth work or indeed no connection at all ! We welcome all good men.
The Lodge members come from a wide variety of professions and occupations including, Teachers, Sales people, HGV Drivers, company directors, Police Officers, Solicitors, Business and Training Consultants, Engineers, Accountants, IT specialists, Butchers, Tax Officers ! … and YES we all get on brilliantly well together. We are pleased that visitors describe our Lodge as “ very friendly”
We meet at the Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham NG1 5LB
on the
3rd Saturday in January starting at 10.30am
2nd Saturday in March starting at 10.30am
3rd Monday in May starting at 6.30pm
4th Saturday in September starting at 10.30am
3rd Saturday in November starting at 10.30am
After each meeting we enjoy time together at a sit-down meal, where we honour toasts, sing, and laugh. These meals are sometimes formal, sometimes a Carvery or a buffet style lunch.
Whilst not obligatory, proceedings often continue when the members retire into the bar for further conversation and harmony.
At least once a year we invite friends and family to join us at the meal.
This has proved popular with wives and partners and is always well attended so much so that currently wives and partners meet regularly and have lunch in the Corinthian restaurant on the same day as our meetings.
Our social activities have included Family BBQ’s, River Trips, Lunch on Steam train, Brewery trips, trips to Grand Lodge in London, Skittles Nights, Pub Quiz nights, Christmas family lunch, and of course our Annual Ladies Festival when we invite wives, partners along with friends and family to a Gala Dinner with dancing and entertainment … as you can see, we are a happy and very social Lodge.
Our values of Friendship, Charity, Integrity, Respect, Virtue, Self Discipline, Patience and Discretion are all very important to us.
Charity in particularly … It’s our aim that Walesby Forest Lodge is, and will continue to be, a force for good in our community and to this end we actively raise funds to support, primarily, the welfare and development of young people.
We are very proud, as a Lodge to be a Grand Patron of the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys and as part of the recent Provincial Festival raised just over £25,000 for the benefit of the young people supported by the Trust.

Lodge History
Walesby Forest Lodge was consecrated in November 1998. At the time of writing we are just a little over twenty four years old… not one of the ancient Lodges but rather one of the “youthful” Lodges.
Ideal Candidate
• Younger candidates
• Older joiners who prefer enthusiastic daytime meetings
• A connection with Scouting or other Uniformed Youth Organisation
• Preference for Saturday meetings
• We are especially interested in people who want to belong to a lively and growing Lodge
• Men of all ages and backgrounds who satisfy our membership requirements
• Have interpersonal skills and enjoy socialising.
• A willingness to learn and contribute to the life of the Lodge
• Joining members who prefer a Saturday meeting rather than mid week
Clearly, the abilities, characteristics, and merits of each Candidate will be considered on an
individual basis, and the checklist should not be considered as a rigid template, but in more detail…
Essential Characteristics:
• Belief in a Supreme Being
• Have no Criminal Record
• Be 21 years or over (subject to Provincial approval for younger Candidates)
Desirable Characteristics
• Is or has been a member of the Scout Association or any other Youth Organisations
• Willing to be part of an organisation committed to the pursuit of high moral standards and
• self‐improvement.
• Interest in membership of an organisation that places a high degree of importance on the
• value of tradition and ritual as a cornerstone of its activities.
• Willingness to gain self‐knowledge, and become a better person, both spiritually and socially, regardless of ethnic and social background.
• Willingness to work enthusiastically as part of a team, and respect the views of others, and
• act for the good of the Lodge at all times.
• Willingness to participate and support all aspects of the Lodge’s activities, including progressively undertaking the various Offices in the Lodge to the best of their ability
• Willingness and ability to regularly attend Lodge meetings, and understand the need to advise the Lodge when unable to do so, as part of their commitment to working as part of the Lodge Team.
• Not be motivated by the possibility of business or pecuniary advantage, arising from Membership of the Lodge.
• His immediate Family should be supportive of his Lodge Membership.
• Be able to afford the ongoing cost of Lodge Membership, without difficulty or detriment to
himself, or his immediate Family.
• Express a willingness to attend and support Lodge Social functions on an ongoing basis.
• Be able to effectively communicate with his fellow Brethren and the Lodge as a whole.
For further Information, please contact the Secretary: Paul A Neal
Mob: 0777 333 8663
E Mail: paulneal58@aol.com