About the Lodge
The Lodge is unique in that its meetings take place during daylight hours we meet at 10.30am on the 3rd Wednesday in March, April, May, June and September. The September meeting is our annual general meeting when the members select who is to be our Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. All our meetings are followed by a pleasant 2 or 3 course lunch. Obviously daylight lodges would be difficult to attend if work patterns are the normal 9 to 5 but for shift workers or retired workers, it is an ideal alternative to a lodge that meets in the evening. Because we meet less often than most lodges this reduces cost of membership (most meet at least 7 times a year) Transport couldn’t be easer, the hall has a large car park and Worksop bus station is a 5 minute walk away, thus avoiding any driving frustrations created by weather conditions or heavy traffic.
Our members pledge honesty, integrity, support and friendship at the same time as priding ourselves on providing a warm welcome to all members and visitors.
We do our best to provide an enjoyable experience and whilst attempting to present our ceremonies in the best possible manner we will not cross the line where quality of ceremony becomes paramount over enjoyment.

Lodge History
The lodge was formed in March 2000 and was named after John Stewart Hill who was the Provincial Grand Master at the time. It was formed with a view to encouraging older masons to maintain active membership and not lose touch with an organisation that can be a big help in later life.
Ideal Candidate
• Men of all ages and backgrounds that satisfy the requirements of being a Freemason.
• Have availability and are committed to attending Lodge meetings on a regular basis.
• Thoughtful people, with an open mind and willingness to learn.
• Men who wish to take an active part in Lodge social activities.
• Whilst the lodge’s members would always value your membership, your personal circumstances must allow you to make a full and active commitment
therefore the support of your family is very important.