About the Lodge
St Mary’s Lodge No. 2302 meets at the Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, seven times a year on the third Wednesday of the month from September to March.
In addition, on the Wednesday evenings between these regular meetings, an informal lodge of instruction is held and all members are encouraged to attend, to make an advancement in their masonic knowledge and build on the friendships formed through our shared principles and values.
Dependant on the individual, some of our members choose to progress through the various offices in the Lodge and ultimately attain the position of the Worshipful Master, while others prefer to attend our meetings simply to enjoy the social gathering and the company of others.
Regardless of their role in the Lodge, our fundamental aim is that every one of our members, together with those welcome visitors from other Lodge’s, look forward to attending our meetings and return home happy and contented, having enjoyed their evening at St Mary’s Lodge.

Lodge History
Consecrated in Southwell on the 19th June 1890, meetings were originally held in the Assembly Rooms, The Lodge continued to meet there until 1905, when it moved to Nottingham.
Over the years the members of St Mary’s Lodge have certainly witnessed many changes.
However, while it has been necessary to adapt and evolve with the passage of time, our traditions endure and we remain proud of the customs and ritual of this fine Lodge, which continues to uphold and maintain the core values of Freemasonry.
Ideal Candidate
Emanating from all parts of Nottinghamshire - and far beyond - ranging in age from early-twenties to eighty plus, the membership of St Mary’s Lodge is nothing if not diverse.
Equally varied are the occupations and interests of our members, making for stimulating and engaging Lodge meetings and social events.
Why not join us at one of our informal gatherings, where the members are regularly joined by their wives and partners, families and friends, strengthening that bond of friendship between us.