About the Lodge
Ravenshead Lodge was formed in 1967 by a group of established Masons that were based or living around the Ravenshead area. At our core, is charitable giving and we support both local, regional and on occasions international charities.
Our meetings are held on the second Thursday in September at 17.00 hours at the Mansfield Masonic Hall on Nottingham Road and thereafter, on the third Thursday of January through to May at 18.00 hours. We also meet on the Tuesday night immediately prior to the Thursday meeting for rehearsal and socialising. After the meeting, dinner is served for all those attending, this is a great opportunity to mix less formally with members of the Lodge and also with visiting members from Lodges across the county and other regions.
Our members have very many interests including most sports and several members are keen Golfers. Music of all varieties is also a particular interest of many of our members.
Ravenshead Lodge is actively seeking new members to join what we consider ourselves to be, a very friendly group of men who are dedicated to the betterment of themselves and of the society which we share.

Lodge History
Ravenshead Lodge was formed in 1967 by a group of established Masons that were based or living around the Ravenshead area. The Lodge was born during a growth in Nottinghamshire Masonry and in 2017, we celebrated our 50th year. There are still one or two members that reside in Ravenshead but the majority are from across the county and beyond, we have one member who resides in the USA. In 2021, we lost our last founding member.
Ideal Candidate
Ravenshead is interested in speaking to/interviewing individuals who may have shown an interest in Freemasonry and the values which it stands for. They may have a family member, past or present that has/is been involved in Freemasonry or just a general appetite to know more and become a better man by doing so. We are looking for someone who is committed to attending Lodge meetings, actively participating in ceremonies and has a genuine wish to progress with in the Lodge. We encourage all prospective candidates to thoroughly assess the costs associated with Freemasonry such as joining fees, annual subscriptions, charitable giving and meals.
● Ravenshead Lodge are interested in men who have an interest in developing their knowledge of Freemasonry, the history, traditions and principles on which the order is founded.
● Have a keen interest in bettering themselves and supporting their local community.
● Are available to meet on the third Tuesday and Thursday from January through to May and the second Tuesday and Thursday in September.
● Enjoy learning and are willing to progress through the organistion.
● Have a wide range of interests and are sociable.