About the Lodge
Radcliffe with Hemlock Stone is recognised as one of the most progressive and friendly Lodges in the Province of Nottinghamshire and one which understands and supports its members well throughout their masonic journey.
We meet seven times a year at West Bridgford Masonic Hall at 6pm on the 3rd Friday of the month between October and April and on other Fridays for rehearsals and socialising.
We enjoy working together to perform our ceremonies to the best of our ability, which makes for very special evenings. After each meeting there is a formal dinner enabling members to socialise. During the year special themed dinners such as Christmas, Burns’ Night and St. George’s Night are very enjoyable and we welcome many visitors from other Lodges. In turn members are encouraged to visit other Lodges in Nottinghamshire and further afield.
We see Freemasonry as a force for good and we seek to be actively involved in our community. Radcliffe Lodge introduced the Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) charity supporting children in hospital (www.tlcnottinghamshire.co.uk) to the Nottinghamshire Province and Lodge members actively support the work of the charity. Additionally we make grants to other local charities as well as supporting both the Nottinghamshire Provincial and Masonic Grand Charities.
Through its Almoner, the Lodge cares for the welfare of its members and their families and encourages communication through its Facebook page, a WhatsApp group and a regular newsletter.
Highlights of our social calendar are our Christmas Carol Service and Children’s Party, the Lodge Ladies’ Night and a Valentine’s Lunch. We also host a variety of other less formal events so that there is always something for everyone. We welcome not just members and their families, we also actively encourage friends and their families to come along and take part in what is rapidly becoming our unofficial motto – ‘Fun, friendship and fellowship’.

Lodge History
Radcliffe with Hemlock Stone Lodge was created in 2019 by the amalgamation of two Nottinghamshire lodges with a proud heritage stretching back over 100 years. Radcliffe Lodge was established in 1931 by freemasons living in the Radcliffe on Trent area. Hemlock Stone Lodge was one of the few masonic lodges founded in the First World War and welcomed its members from the neighbourhood of Stapleford and Wollaton.
The two lodge banners symbolise this local background showing the red cliffs of Radcliffe on Trent and the prehistoric sandstone pillar of the Hemlock Stone in the west of the county.
It is now one of the largest lodges in Nottinghamshire with over 50 active members who live or work in the south of the Province.
Ideal Candidate
We offer an enjoyable and rewarding masonic experience to new and joining members of all ages and backgrounds who:
• Live or work in the south of Nottinghamshire
• Want to develop themselves and enjoy the fellowship of freemasonry
• Look forward to enjoying their masonic journey in a friendly and family oriented Lodge.
• Are committed to helping their community through charitable activity and fundraising
• Enjoy fellowship and socialising and the opportunity to visit other Lodges
Membership will appeal to younger men with families and individuals looking for a new challenge.
Ages of our members vary from those in their 20’s to those in their 80’s with a variety of backgrounds and interests. We acknowledge that each member has different amounts of time that they can make available to Masonry and we value each member’s contribution to the Lodge at any level.
For new brethren we offer a lodge mentoring programme to support them as they progress and develop their interests in Freemasonry. We also have a monthly Lodge of Instruction focused mainly on newer members who can ask about any facet of Masonry in an informal environment.