About the Lodge
The Old Worksopian Lodge is a School Lodge formed to provide a Masonic link between those with a connection to Worksop College. Consequently, we welcome potential members who are past alumni of the College, present or past members of staff or present or past parents. We are a friendly and inviting group of men who meet together, in common with many other School Lodges on a Saturday afternoon, in our case the second in October and the fourth in February and March commencing at 4pm with tea, coffee and the opportunity for lively social interaction available from 3.30pm. Lodge rehearsals are held earlier in the afternoon before each meeting.
The meetings take place at Worksop Masonic Hall. We also have an evening dinner after meetings for those who have attended; a raffle is held to help boost our charity funds.
On the Saturday of the College’s First Exeat weekend, in late April or early May, we have our most important meeting, at which the annual installation of our new Lodge Master takes place. On this occasion we start an hour earlier as after the ceremony we traditionally move to the College itself for a 6pm Evensong in the College Chapel followed by a particularly good and enjoyable dinner in the Great Hall. This is always a particularly popular event, with many members of other lodges joining us we typically expect an attendance of around one hundred.
We are a thriving, happy and vibrant Lodge with over 70 year’s history of being together as a Lodge, with over 40 current members. The Lodge is a member of the Federation of School Lodges.
As Freemasons, we are united, not only by our links with Worksop College but also by our shared values, which are described at https://www.ugle.org.uk/discover-freemasonry/what-is-freemasonry.
As a School Lodge, where our common connection is the link with the College, the members of our Lodge have a particularly diverse range of different professional backgrounds and interests, right across the age range from relatively recent alumni to members who have been members of the Lodge for many years and are now most willing to share their knowledge and experience with newer members. This significantly adds to the characteristically positive and happy atmosphere within our Lodge.
We are forward-thinking and, through Freemasonry, offer an amazing life-long journey of learning and self-discovery. As a progressive Lodge we are always looking to attract new members who share our link with the College, interest in personal development, shared enjoyment and support for our local community.
In common with all Lodges, we are active in charitable fundraising with, in our case a significant proportion of what we raise going to support various initiatives and projects at the College, most recently the refurbishment, both external and internal, of the most impressive Chapel roof.
We have a particularly good relationship with the College authorities and the Old Worksopians Society.
The costs of membership compare very favourably with those of other social groups. As a Lodge we offer great value.
If you think this Lodge is for you, please enquire via https://www.nottinghamshiremasons.co.uk/becoming-a-freemason and specifically mention the Lodge name, Old Worksopian.
Alternatively, contact the Lodge Membership Officer, Howard Jackson on jackson.howardg@hotmail.com

Lodge History
The Old Worksopian Lodge is a School Lodge consecrated in 1950 to provide a Masonic link between those with a connection to Worksop College. We remember our Founders and early members who progressed the first fifty years to the 2000 Golden Jubilee, when Rev. John Burgess rededicated the Lodge Banner. We also refer to the historical archives which are stored at the Masonic Hall.
Consequently, we welcome potential members who are past alumni of the College, present or past members of staff or present or past parents. We aim to continue our tradition of being a friendly and inviting group.
We have a particularly good relationship with the College authorities and the Old Worksopians Society, strongly supported by both the Headmaster and the Alumni Secretary.
The Lodge is affiliated to the Federation of School Lodges and our Lodge membership Officer is also the East Midlands Area Representative to the FSL.
Ideal Candidate
• As a School Lodge, a connection with Worksop College. This can be a former pupil, “Old Worksopian”, present or past member of staff or present or past parent.
• Existing Freemasons who have a connection with the College, being members of any Constitution recognised by the United Grand Lodge.
• Men of all ages and backgrounds who satisfy our membership requirements.
• Has interpersonal skills and enjoys socialising.
• Be a higher education student following study at the College, in full/part time employment or retired.
• Have potential availability on the following four Saturdays: the second in October, the fourth in February and March and one in late April/early May, our Installation, which traditionally takes place on the College’s summer term First Exeat weekend.
• A willingness to learn.
• We are especially interested in people who wish to get involved in the activities of the Lodge.
• A desire to promote and support the Lodge’s charitable fundraising, much of which goes to supporting projects and initiatives instigated by the College. Most recently the Lodge provided significant support for the refurbishment, both external and internal, of the roof of the College’s most impressive Chapel.
• A wish to actively support our membership of the Federation of School Lodges.