About the Lodge
Members of our Lodge cover a wide age group. Indeed, one Member has recently received a certificate from Provincial Grand Lodge celebrating 50 years in Masonry. We have newer Members who have literally attended one meeting.
Our Lodge prides itself in having a caring Membership which is willing to help one another in all aspects of life. Although our ceremonies are formal we do try to make them as relaxed as possible. We are fortunate enough to have Members from a cross section of society, professions and personalities. Our Members’ professions vary considerably but include health and safety advisors, school teachers, builders, solicitors, IT consultants, vehicle repair specialists, recruitment consultants, engineers and accountants to name but a few.
Each Lodge Meeting is held on the third Monday of the month, around 6.00pm at the Mansfield Masonic Hall, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield, NG18 4AE. Following each meeting, we have a sit down meal which includes 2 or 3 courses and it generally commences around 8 pm, concluding by 9.30 -10.00 pm.
The December Meeting is held on the second Monday and is followed by a “White Table” event where friends and family are invited to enjoy a meal and Christmas festivities such as singing carols and being entertained by a Choir or Brass Band etc. This is always a very popular event.
Before each Ceremony, the Lodge has a practice on the second Monday of the month commencing 8 pm at the same venue as regular Lodge meetings.
We currently have over 20 active Members varying in age from mid 30s to late 80s. Our more mature Brethren are excellent examples of the commitment to Masonry and its potential life-long journey of learning, discovery and friendship.
Our aim is to ensure that our new Members enjoy Freemasonry and have a long and successful association with it. We actively encourage Members to visit other Lodges to widen their social network and potentially make new friends within Masonry. We always welcome Members from other Lodges to our Lodge Meetings to share ideas and companionship.

Lodge History
Old Elizabethan Lodge has been in existence for over 60 years, having been formed in 1960 from its Mother Lodge, Broxtowe Lodge. Initially the Lodge was exclusively formed from past students and staff of the school. However, the decision was taken for it to include non-students and non-staff in about 1985.
Therefore, the Lodge has a varied age group and men from many different backgrounds. In more recent times, the focus of the Lodge is to develop its social side. Events including a Race Night in Nottingham is on the agenda soon and we encourage Members to make suggestions for the future.
Ideal Candidate
Our Lodge’s aims are to increase its Membership and to ensure retention of current Members.
We welcome men of all ages and backgrounds who have good interpersonal skills and enjoy socialising. They need to be available on the third Monday each month from October to April inclusive and also the second Monday of each of these months in order for rehearsals to take place prior to Lodge Meetings. Potential Members should have a willingness to learn and become involved in all activities within the Lodge with the support of their families, as appropriate.
Further information, or expression of interest to join, should be directed to the Lodge Membership Officer via email in the first instance.
Old Elizabethan Lodge Membership Officer Email address is ianmatthewsttsltd@gmail.com.