About the Lodge
Nuthall Temple Lodge meets at 6pm on the second Tuesday of the months from October to April at the Goldsmith Street Masonic Hall in the centre of Nottingham which has a member’s bar and car park and easily accessed by public transport including the tram. Our December meeting is an evening meal with partners and friends at the Masonic Hall restaurant.
The Lodge currently has a membership of 25 ranging in age from their 30’s to their 80’s. We are made up of men from a wide range of professions from being self-employed, employed and retired. Some of our members are business owners and company directors. We have health care professionals and artisans with a range of occupations including retired police officers.
Our ceremonies are approximately 90 minutes and are followed by members enjoying a 3-course meal, called a festive board at the Masonic Hall usually concluding before 10pm. On our Lodge nights some of our partners usually meet and dine at a local restaurant while we are in the Temple. The involvement of friends and family is encouraged and extends to other social events throughout the year.
The Lodge has developed a reputation for its ritual and ceremonies, although participation in delivering passages of ritual is optional, we hold a rehearsal usually on the Tuesday evening the week prior to the Lodge meeting to allow members to practice. We also have a mentoring system for new members to assist with introductions to Freemasonry, providing explanations of ceremonies, answering questions, and accompanying visits to other lodges.
We hold fund raising raffles at our festive boards and at other social events throughout the year in support of the Masters nominated charity, Junior members are encouraged to arrange raffles as an opportunity to meet members and guests.

Lodge History
Nuthall Temple Lodge number 6011 in the register of the Grand Lodge of England owes its existence to an enthusiastic band of men residing in the village of Nuthall during the war. Their determination to form a Lodge for the local masons was sponsored by the Robin Hood Lodge number 1493 and a warrant was subsequently granted. The Consecration Ceremony took place on the 2nd January 1945.
The Lodge originally met in at a Church Hall in Nuthall before moving to a Masonic Hall in Daybrook and then to Goldsmith Street where it still meets today. In 2006 many members of the former Wollaton Lodge number 8201 joined Nuthall Temple. Wollaton Lodge had been formed by lecturers and staff in engineering from Trent Polytechnic now Nottingham Trent University and Nuthall Temple Lodge still has many alumni from the University.
The Lodge derives its name from an imposing and unusual building known as Nuthall Temple built in 1754 by Sir Charles Sedley MP from his winnings on a single horse race. It was an imitation of Pallado’s celebrated ‘Villa Almerico-Capra’ near Vicenza in Italy a UNESCO World Heritage site. The building no longer exists but the Lodge banner shows a perspective of the former Nuthall Temple.
Ideal Candidate
Nuthall Temple Lodge welcomes men of all ages, backgrounds and religions who are interested in being part of an historic organisation and maintaining traditions passed down through the centuries. An ideal candidate would have a professional, enthusiastic outlook, be a good communicator, and supportive, encouraging, and respectful of others. Be dependable and enjoy meeting other likeminded people within the formality of a Lodge and at social events.