About the Lodge
Our Lodge meet on the first Wednesday from October to April with a break in January. Starting around 6pm in the evenings, depending on family and work commitments. Also, we have Lodge development evenings for the brethren who would like to take the next step in a fun environment usually starting around 8pm on the last two Thursdays of the month between September and March.
Our members have a great mixture of interests which include Military from the three-Armed Forces including serving soldiers and veterans, the Fire Service, the Police Service, Transport including Rail, Medical Services, High Security including Electronic and Physical, Law Professionals, Many active Construction Professional, Accountancy, Antiques, Mechanics, Farming and Horse Riding.
Members are well known in the cycling world both local and international with a current world champion and we also have many members who have regular hobbies including Fishing, Rugby, Football, Cycling, Transport, Golf, Antiques, Science and many more.
To start your journey into our amazing Lodge and join our happy environment where you can mix with men with fellow interests or bring a new career or hobby into the environment, we would be happy to welcome you.
Application enquires can be made on our website www.nottinghamrotarylodge.com or contacting our Lodge Membership Officer Andrew Shaw, Telephone: 07805428539 or email andy.shaw@asgssecurity.com

Lodge History
A well-established Lodge, based at Goldsmith Street Masonic Hall, whose members have differing levels of experience and interests. The Lodge was established in the year 1919 and has enjoyed many members from all walks of life.
Two years after the Nottingham Rotary Club was founded in, Nottingham, by ten founders of which six were already Freemasons, one of them – Charles Lymn – conceived the idea of forming a lodge – from the Rotarians, but also welcoming all men of the right quality and interests.
In May 1941 the Masonic Hall was hit by a bomber, but this did not stop freemasons climbing through the rubble to hold a meeting.
This is a small piece of our history and, if you decide to join our Lodge, after your initiation, you will receive a book setting out much more detail of our past.
Ideal Candidate
Have an outgoing personality, be honest, trustworthy and with a willingness to learn, share experiences and be discrete with what takes place within meetings.
Be part of a team, be happy and comfortable to give up some of their valuable time to attend the Lodge meetings, practices, and rehearsals.
Potential willingness to carry out different parts of the ritual appertaining to their position. The candidate has an opportunity to develop great interpersonal and communication skills combined with love and harmony that characterises freemasonry and the enjoyment of socialising,
Be available on the first Wednesday of the month from October to April and the last two Thursdays of the month between September and March.