About the Lodge
Newstead Lodge, based in the city of Nottingham, is recognised as an historic and significant Lodge within the Province of Nottinghamshire. The Lodge meets six times a year in the months from October – April (omitting January) at the Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham which is an exceptional and impressive centre for Freemasonry at the heart of the city.
The Life of Newstead Lodge spans much of the history of English Freemasonry and it cannot be ignored that for more than 260 years its existence spans significant periods of history.
One of the Lodge’s principal aims is to fully understand and support its members as they journey through the many mysteries and privileges that Freemasonry has to offer and to become ‘good men and true’. The Lodge is seen by its members as a ‘force for good’ and therefore seeks to be actively involved in disbursing charity on an annual basis through its Benevolent Fund.
Newstead Lodge has a strong Membership of 30 plus Freemasons, most of whom live, work and/or have a connection with the city and its surrounding area. Our Meetings are regularly well attended by Members and their Guests and therefore the Lodge can offer a well-structured, enjoyable, and rewarding programmes of Ceremonies carried out to the highest of standards followed by a meal, known as a ‘Festive Board’ where fellowship, friendship and fun are actively encouraged. The highlight of the Lodge’s annual social calendar, where Members are encouraged to bring along their families and friends, include a dinner dance (known as a ‘Ladies Festival’) and traditionally held in October.
The Members of Newstead Lodge come from all walks of life and backgrounds and creating a diversity within its membership has been a key to its success. Membership of Newstead Lodge is likely to appeal to younger men with growing families and to individuals seeking new challenges based upon the positive life principles that are displayed to them through Freemasonry. The Lodge is therefore dedicated to ensuring that all Members enjoy themselves in an inclusive and welcoming environment and are given the opportunity to meet and socialise with like-minded individuals all with a view to building firm, long-lasting and rewarding friendships by way of a common bond.

Lodge History
The Life of Newstead Lodge spans much of the history of English Freemasonry and it cannot be ignored that for more than 260 years its existence spans significant periods of history.
The Lodge was warranted in the age of reason and King George the III was on the throne, within a few years James Hargreaves had invented his Spinning Jenny and the Industrial Revolution had begun. A few years later in 1813 the Lodge celebrated its Golden Jubilee. The official records show that Lodge received a warrant in 1763 from the Antient Grand Lodge of York. However, the Lodge Bylaws published in 1839 contain a statement that the Lodge was originally opened in 1735. By 1863 the Lodge celebrated its centenary of existence and in 1963 its bicentenary.
During 2013 the Lodge celebrated continuous existence of 250 years. Throughout the Lodge existence our members have come from all walks of life, and it cannot be denied that many have had an impact on the improvement and welfare of our city and county and wider aspects of life. This continues today and the ethos of doing good is clearly interwoven throughout our history and continues to this day.
Ideal Candidate
Newstead Lodge is the oldest lodge in Nottinghamshire, and one of the oldest in the country, having existed for over 260 years. The Lodge welcomes, men of all ages and backgrounds who would enjoy exploring and promoting its history, upholding its traditions and who wish to contribute to the development of the Lodge.
If you would enjoy becoming part of the Lodge’s future, are enthusiastic to participate, and looking for a lodge that meets on a Tuesday evening at Goldsmith Street, Nottingham; Please contact the Newstead Lodge Membership Officer: Tony Owen – TBOwen@ntlworld.com or 07540 051511.