About the Lodge
The Newark Lodge has always had a vibrant, happy, and friendly membership drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds and occupations and age groups many of whom are active in introducing new candidates.
The Lodge meetings are held at 6.30pm on the third Thursday in the month at the Masonic Hall in Newark. The exception is the first meeting that starts at 5.30pm in September being the installation of the new Worshipful Master and the last meeting is in April.
Following each meeting the members have an enjoyable meal at very reasonable prices. It has always been the tradition for the members of Newark Lodge to assist with the serving and catering of the meal with wine at very minimal cost. This contributes to a more convivial and relaxed meal for the enjoyment of everyone.
Throughout the year there are four Study Circle meetings run by our newer brethren with a festival night in November.
These Study Circle meetings give the initiates confidence and a better understanding of the workings of ritual and preparation for advancement within the Lodge.
There are several social and fund-raising events during the year which culminate in the Ladies Night in early March. This dinner dance is very popular and regularly attracts up to 100 people - members, wives, and their guests.
The Newark Lodge has always adopted a less informal atmosphere with a view to encouraging its members to participate in all aspects of the Lodge and its proceedings both in the temple and its ceremonies.
A warm welcome will always be extended to new members and guests at Newark Lodge which has a strong tradition of brotherhood for a lifelong enjoyment of masonry.

Lodge History
The Newark Lodge was consecrated on 11th September 1970 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020
Ideal Candidate
A warm welcome will always be extended to new members and guests at Newark Lodge which has a strong tradition of brotherhood for a lifelong enjoyment of masonry.