About the Lodge
Mansfield Lodge meets on the fourth Monday of the month, between September and March at Mansfield Masonic Hall. Our meetings begin with the opening of the Lodge at 6.30pm. Lodge rehearsals are held on the third Monday of the month at 8.00 pm.
Each regular meeting is followed by a sit-down meal which is a definite strong point of the Mansfield lodge. The Lodge still attracts a good number of visitors, and the meal tends to be a jovial affair and usually finishes around 2200hrs. A couple of meetings including Burn’s Night tend to take a little longer.
The members of the Lodge have diverse interests and backgrounds. The Lodge prides itself on its charity, ritual and its eagerness to engage new members.
Mansfield Lodge upholds the traditional values of Freemasonry, whilst at the same time is extremely welcoming of new members, and actively seeks to involve them within the working of the Lodge. The Lodge also helps members to fulfil their potential in terms of what they wish to achieve within Freemasonry and their broader lives.
The members of Mansfield lodge have various interests, all of which are explored at the meals and social events that the Lodge engages in. We have a broad range of members, who are from all walks of life and backgrounds. This means that new members of the Lodge will meet people that they wouldn’t in their regular social lives. The age profile of the lodge is diverse, with a strong cohort of younger Masons, with 8 new members over the last 2 years all below the age of 45.
We have several social events throughout the year that caters for members and their friends and families

Lodge History
Mansfield Lodge was first formed as a daughter lodge of Broxtowe lodge in 1951, and still shares a close association with its Mother Lodge.
Ideal Candidate
• Men who fulfil the membership criteria outlined by grand lodge
• Interest in golf, rugby and dining out.
• Men interested in freemasonry, it’s ideals and advancing their knowledge thereof
• Personable and sociable men who wish to actively partake in the activities of the lodge and it’s social agenda
• Have availability on Monday evening and able to give time to our social and charitable events
• A willingness to learn.
• Men who are eager to advance their knowledge of the craft and to be active freemasons.