About the Lodge
Although a small Lodge in terms of numbers, the membership of Magnus Lodge 3441 covers both a varied age group and a wide spectrum of outside interests, professions and businesses. The traditional Masonic, yet relaxed atmosphere, established over its many years encourages participation by those who wish to have an active part in proceedings as well as those who just take their enjoyment from being a member of this ancient craft.
New members, both as initiates who wish to join this unique brotherhood and those existing Masons who wish to join the membership are assured of a warm welcome into what is a convivial, brotherly and friendly atmosphere both in the temple for its ceremonies, and following each meeting with an enjoyable meal where relaxed conversation is always topical and interesting.
Magnus Lodge meets only four times a year on the second Tuesday of each month with its Installation (Annual) meeting in October followed by December, February and April. Holding fewer meetings than other lodges suits those brethren whose time maybe a little more occupied in other directions.

Lodge History
The Magnus Lodge 3441 in Newark is the second oldest Lodge in the town having been consecrated in 1910. Originally meeting in Newark Town Hall the Lodge moved to its present location in the Masonic Hall, The Avenue, Newark in 1975.
Ideal Candidate
New members, both as initiates who wish to join this unique brotherhood and those existing Masons who wish to join the membership are assured of a warm welcome into what is a convivial, brotherly and friendly atmosphere both in the temple for its ceremonies, and following each meeting, with an enjoyable meal at the festive board where relaxed conversation is always topical and interesting