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Kirkeby Lodge



About the Lodge

We are now over 90 years old but have a modern fresh approach to Freemasonry with the experience of the more senior members. You will always be greeted by a smile and warm welcome at Kirkeby Lodge and all our visitors comment on how they are made to feel at home by our members. The Lodge is well known for its excellent ritual and a lot is done the “Kirkeby way” as we look to help members out with ritual and learning so no one is thrown in at the deep end without us giving assurance and support throughout the learning and delivery.

The Lodge meets on the first Wednesday of the months between October and April at Mansfield Masonic Hall. Our meetings begin at 6.30pm and we are normally done and dusted for around 9.30pm. Lodge rehearsals are held on the last 2 Wednesdays of the month at 7.00pm or 8.00pm at the Mansfield Masonic Hall.
Kirkeby Lodge also holds Social Events were our partners and family can join us for Christmas festivities, Easter Sunday Lunch, Quiz Nights etc. We also holds a Black Tie Evening or family fun days so we can be inclusive to all.

A picture of a Masonic Lodge Banner

Interested in Joining Us?

Then please get in touch

Lodge History

Kirkeby Lodge was formed (consecrated) in October 1931 by members of Ashfield Lodge, our Mother Lodge. This was probably due to the large membership of Ashfield Lodge and / or existing members who had a similar interest or background. When Kirkeby Lodge was first formed, we met at a pub near Kirkby Cross, moving in the 1960’s to Mansfield for our meetings.
We know that Kirkeby Lodge at one time was well represented by the Coal Mining Industry and not much has changed. We are also represented by plenty of members that have not been underground and there is always a friendly repartee between us all.
We have over 30 members aged from their mid 20’s to the over 80’s. These include members that own businesses, Civil Servants, retired members of the Emergency Services such as the Police, College Lecturers and retired members from other industry sectors. There are a few members with the love of sport especially rugby and football but we also have more cultured members with creative sides that are into the arts and produce water colour paintings for our charity auctions.

Ideal Candidate

Our principal purpose is to promote harmony amongst ourselves and the wider community; to make good men better.
We welcome happy, friendly and happy men that are willing to learn and participate.
If you are interested in finding out more about joining Kirkeby Lodge or other Freemason’s Lodges in Nottinghamshire or would just like an informal chat and a pint please email

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