About the Lodge
With 90 years plus of tradition and Masonic heritage Galway Lodge is a friendly, sincere and welcoming group of men with a wide range of ages, professions and diverse backgrounds, including, university lecturers, research scientist, civil servants, dentist, accountants, company directors, IT consultants and sales professionals.
Most men who have joined Galway Lodge in recent years were between the ages of 30 and 40 upon joining. We meeting on the 1st Thursday of the month from October through to April, except January, at Nottingham Masonic Hall, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham. Our meetings start at 6:00pm normally and are always followed by a 2 or 3 course dinner where we enjoy certain formalities but most of all good company and camaraderie. Proceedings are normally completed by 9:30pm.
We also enjoy visiting other Lodges, sometimes en masse and sometimes individually. This is a great way to experience how other Lodges operate and to meet new groups of people.
In addition to our regular monthly meetings, we have a number of social events when our friends and partners are often invited to join us, these can include curry nights, trips to sporting events and formal social evenings.
As an organisation we have strong core values of Friendship, Charity, Integrity, Respect, Virtue, Self-Discipline, Patience and Discretion, all of which are very important to us. Charity in particular is very high on our agenda, at both out regular meetings and our social events raising money for charitable causes is a high priority. Since 2015 we have donated approaching £10,000 to a whole range of charities both local and national.
So, if you would like to join a group of people with a whole range of personalities, skills and qualities who strive to improve themselves, help others and support charitable needs then start your Masonic journey of learning and self-discovery by joining the Galway Lodge of Freemasons and be part of a world-wide organisation with over 300 years of history. Please contact, Nigel Morley, Lodge Membership Officer on 07407 298 711 or at nsmorley@aol.com

Lodge History
Galway Lodge was founded in May 1933 and named after the 8th Viscount Galway, George Vere Arundell Monckton-Arundell. At the time Viscount Galway was deputy to the head for Freemasonry in Nottinghamshire but in 1941 Viscount Galway became the leader for Freemasonry in Nottinghamshire.
Ideal Candidate
Desirable Characteristics
• Men of all ages and backgrounds who satisfy our membership requirements
• Be comfortable in socialising with a group of people from diverse backgrounds
• Enjoy companionship, camaraderie and establishing new friendship
• Interested in supporting a range of charitable causes
• Have interpersonal skills and enjoy socialising
• We are especially interested in people who want to belong to a lively and growing Lodge
• Willing to be part of an organisation committed to the pursuit of high moral standards and self‐ improvement
• Be in full/part time employment or retired and have sufficient financial security to commit
• Have availability on 1 st Thursday of October through to April
• Be able to attending meetings at Goldsmith Street in Nottingham from 6:00pm
• A willingness to learn and contribute to the life of the Lodge
• Be prepared to commit to regular attendance to Lodge meetings
• To be able and willing to fully embrace the ceremonial aspects of Free Masonry
• Interest in membership of an organisation that places a high degree of importance on the value of tradition and ritual as a cornerstone of its activities
• Not be motivated by the possibility of business or pecuniary advantage, arising from Membership of the Lodge.
• Willingness to work enthusiastically as part of a team, and respect the views of others, and act for the good of the Lodge at all times
• Have the support of his immediately family in joining Freemasonry
All of the above characteristics are not an exhaustive list, clearly, the abilities, characteristics, and merits of each Candidate will be considered on an individual basis, and the list should not be considered as a rigid template, but more as a general guide
Essential Characteristics
• Belief in a Supreme Being
• Have no Criminal Record
• Be 21 years or over (subject to Provincial approval for younger Candidates)