About the Lodge
Excalibur Lodge meetings are held at:-
Freemasons Hall, 25 Goldsmith Street, Nottingham, NG1 5LB.
The Lodge meets on the second Tuesday of March, May, September, November and December, which is our Installation meeting.
We are a small lodge with 23 members, one of which has been a member since the Lodge was formed and still plays a very active role and has been almost continuously in office. We are seeking to increase our membership and believe we can do this by trying to attract like minded individuals. We see Freemasonry as a force for good and we strive to be good, upright men who prize Honour and Virtue, practice Brotherly love and seek truth and peace.
We enjoy a diverse mix of members of all ages, occupations and backgrounds and our membership contains brethren who possess considerable Masonic experience as well as those just starting out on their Masonic journey.
We are a friendly, supportive Lodge and look forward to welcoming not only new members, but also any existing Freemasons looking to join another lodge and therefore we welcome men over 18 years who have strict morals and upright intentions with a belief in a Supreme being.
We organise various social events, such as a Summer Sunday Lunch, and this year held a ‘White Table’ which was attended by Family and Friends of Lodge members.
Charity and Freemasonry
Charity is at the heart of what we do and recently we have chosen to donate exclusively to local charities and good causes. The Friary Drop in, for example, based in West Bridgford, has benefited from regular donations of food and clothing from the Lodge members as well as monetary support.

Lodge History
Excalibur Lodge No 8903 was consecrated on 14th December 1979 and it is the daughter lodge of Excelsior Lodge No 7895, which is no longer active.
Ideal Candidate
Excalibur Lodge offers a rewarding Masonic experience to both new and joining members of all ages and backgrounds who;
• Find the Masonic Hall at Goldsmith a convenient location
• Have a wish to develop themselves and enjoy the fellowship of freemasonry
• Look forward to enjoying their masonry in a friendly and family-oriented Lodge
• Are committed to supporting their community through charitable activity and fundraising
• Enjoy fellowship and socialising and the opportunity to visit other Lodges
Membership will appeal to both younger men with families and also to the more mature individual looking for a new challenge.
The age of our members covers the full spectrum, from young men in their early twenties to those in their eighties with a variety of backgrounds and interests. We understand that all members have a different amount of time that they have available to Masonry and we appreciate each members contribution to the Lodge at any level.
For newer brethren we offer a lodge mentoring programme to support them as they progress and develop their interests in Freemasonry.