About the Lodge
Byron Lodge meets (8 times a year plus occasionally in May) always on the first Thursday of the months between January and May and the third Thursday September to December at Mansfield Masonic Hall. Our meetings begin with the opening of the Lodge at 18:00Hrs.
Lodge rehearsals are held on the Thursday proceeding the regular meeting starting at 20:00Hrs.
The meetings are followed by a meal where there is good camaraderie among the members genuinely enjoying being together. There is a friendly environment and is always great fun. Byron Brethren have their own way of extending the entertainment, not least by a well-stocked raffle. The evening on average finishes around 10pm.
We usually try to hold an annual black tie event and a white table event at Christmas to enable our families and friends to join us. Other social activities also include a clay shooting day and summer BBQs.

Lodge History
Byron Lodge No. 4014. was founded in 1920 and celebrated its Centenary in 2020 with a grand banquet and a special event to honour the Lodge Founders. The Lodge grew from humble beginnings to serve the Freemasons of Hucknall and is named after Newstead’s most famous son, the poet Lord Byron who is buried in Hucknall Parish Church.
The Lodge originally met in Hucknall but currently meet at the Masonic Hall in Mansfield
We are very lucky to have a fabulous book that illustrates the 100 years from foundation to the centenary celebration. Within which every member through the ages is recorded and described, full of illustrations, pictures and stories of our history.
Ideal Candidate
Byron Lodge is pleased to invite individuals who may have shown an interest in Freemasonry and the values which it stands for. Have a general appetite to know more and become a better man by doing so. We are looking for future brethren who can be committed to attending Lodge meetings, actively participating in ceremonies and has a genuine wish for continued personal development with a desire to progress with in the Lodge. Candidates will be encouraged to thoroughly assess the costs associated with Freemasonry such as joining fees, annual subscriptions, charitable giving and meals.
Our membership Officer with the aid of Lodge Secretary (WBro. David Shilling) will steer and support candidates via Committee interview to assist in navigating the steps to Initiation and joining our brotherhood.
In summary:-
1. Men of all ages and backgrounds over the age of 18
2. Must have a belief in a God or Supreme Being.
3. Have interpersonal skills and enjoy socialising.
4. Able to commit to Thursday evenings.
5. Be willing to learn
6. Have a desire to get involved in the activities of the Lodge with the support of their families
7. Be of good character without any criminal convictions
8. Respecting tradition